Sunday, November 14, 2010

venue option 1: Westfield Heritage Village

This Saturday we checked out Westfield Heritage Village in Rockton. Verdict: it more than wowed us in person. For an outdoor summer wedding, it is amazing. I can completely envision decorating the cute bandstand, having dining tables on the lawn, etc etc. If you've never been (and most people I asked had never heard of it) you should definitely visit! It's really really cute.

BUT (and it's a big but), it is logistically imperfect. Why? It is a public space and it has heritage buildings. There are issues with serving alcohol outside (we'd have to fence off a drinking area...ugh) since in theory the general public can access the space. And since there are historical buildings, they don't normally allow people to be in the main area of the village once it get's dark (they don't want things getting wrecked, naturally). This could change as they were in the process of installing lamps, but the woman we met with wasn't sure yet.

Alors, we're still unsure about this place. It's also located west of Hamilton, and most people will be coming from Hamilton/TO. So something more central to the two cities (or in Toronto or Hamilton) would be ideal.

The search continues.

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