Tuesday, February 22, 2011

throw away the key

I got a little cheese-bally the other night (Erick was on call, I was bored and procrastinating). I've seen some cute hanging garlands of quotes on some of my wedding-idea-searching-adventures, so I decided to make one to see if it was something I'd like to incorporate into our wedding decor. I hung it up in the kitchen. This quote was from a little poem I found that went like this:

My heart to you is given:
Oh, do give yours to me;
We'll lock them up together,
And throw away the key.

- Frederick Saunders

I sort of like it. It's cute in the kitchen at least. We'll see if it makes the cut in the end. Right now it's coffee filter poufs for the win.

p.s. I have so much school work to do this week. Can you tell? I'm totally procrastinating.
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