Last night I volunteered to bar tend for the opening of the Craft and Design grad show at the Lennox Contemporary Gallery on Ossington. Besides the fact that I'm an idiot and decided to drive and therefore ran into super bad traffic (it was raining), and had to circle the block a million times before finding a spot, and I was 1/2 an hour late, it was fun! I have my smart serve, but I've never actually bar tended before. Luckily people had to have drink tickets to get drinks, and there was only a choice of wine, beer, pop or juice, so that made it less complicated than it could have been.
The opening was a huge success, it was insanely busy! Hopefully it will be that busy for our class in 2 years...I think a lot of the third years live downtown Toronto and have connections with art scenesters. I don't think that's so much the case with our class. Though there are all the other people from the other studios....No one from my class besides Amy and I were there. Tsk tsk.
Today my plan is to get showered and dressed (yes I majorly slept in. I've got to stop doing that). Then have lunch, do some stuff here (maybe watch Martha again for the third day in a row. I'm spoiled), then head to Hamilton around 2-3pm ish to hand out resumes. I've GOT to get on top of that. I am sick of not having any structure to my days. I'm crossing my fingers for a relatively cool job on Locke Street. That would be ideal. But I'm willing to take almost anything now. So long as I don't have to work weekends.
Also, I'm thinking of buying myself a decent little point and shoot camera once I establish a job for myself. I am taking waaaay less pictures now that I only have my SLR since its not convenient to keep in my purse at all times. Plus I have way more money left over after this school year than I anticipated having. And if I'm lucky and win that Silent Night Scholarship at the awards ceremony on Saturday I'll have an extra $500 in the bank...fingers crossed again!
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